Thursday, April 2, 2020

Jurrassic Park Birthday Party

Good morning! I hope this finds everyone well. Today I would like to share a birthday party I did for my brother Will way back last August. I didn't share this sooner because the fall was crazy, my laptop hard drive got a virus around Novemeber, and I lost these photos until just a month or so ago when the fourth person to try to retreive my files was successful. Now, I must make a confession. I labled this party tentatively as "Jurassic Park" but I can not ever remember what the difference is between Jurassic Park and Jurassic World, especially since I've never seen either and I'm not exactly what you'd call a fan...and that's a huge understatement. Although the Lego versions are fine, which is also all Will watches. The point is, this party could be either, I really don't know which it fits better. Also, I literally just threw everything together last-minute the morning of, so this is a very simple party to recreate. 
I drew the logo poster with a Prisma marker on a poster, used the back of a pegboard, used dishes from my party supply stash and wooden-looking ceramic works I made in a ceramics course I took last year, displayed a photo of my brother, and added a plant and balloon that were also from my stash. I think I had the golden balloons from Walmart, but they may have been from Hobby Lobby. I used my favorite blanket which was a gift from Rahab's Ropes as the table cover. I made a dinosaur silhoutte banner with black construction paper, string and hot glue. The leaves on the table acting as a table runner were also construction-paper cutouts. I displayed some of my brother's Jurassic Lego dinosaurs and stuck some tropical-looking leaves from the yard in a handmade wooden vase-type thing that I use for a lot of my events that was given to us. The giant dinosaur balloon was a gift from my grandparents and they got it at Ingles, where they also got the cake. I got plastic dinosaurs for favors at Dollar Tree. I painted some of them and tied a free printable I found online to them. I also found online dinosaur mask printables I printed out, too. I apparently had glow-in-the-dark whistles from Dollar Tree on hand that I added, as well. The golden straws were from Hobby Lobby. As a final touch, I went in my grandparent's yard and gathered lots of the biggest leaves I could find from a variety of plants (Magnolia trees are especially great) and stuck them into the pegboard. I taped them in the back to hold them in place. I hope you enjoy:

Thank you so much for visiting! I look foward to sharing more with you soon!

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