Monday, April 11, 2016

DIY Lion Guard Party Favors

I was asked to make party favors for a Disney Lion Guard party about a month back, so the morning of the party I figured out what I could make without purchasing anything but tissue paper.

You will need:
-Thin cardboard (I used Caprisun juice boxes)
-White acrylic paint
-A black pen
-Tissue paper
-Hot-glue gun with hot-glue gun sticks
-Brown wrapping paper

I'm afraid these were very last minute, so I didn't take many pictures. Luckily these are pretty easy to make. First, cut the cardboard into small animal or animal head shapes from the Lion Guard. Next, paint them white and let them dry. You will probably need to apply several coats. Once they are completely white (at least on the front halves if you don't want to or don't have time to do the back-halves), draw the details like eyes, noses and mouths with the pen. I copied online images, except mine were in black-and-white. When you've finished that step, heat up your hot-glue gun and hot-glue the pins to the back. You have just created cool, cheap Lion Guard pins! 
Now for the confetti:
Fold the tissue paper several times, then cut little squares. I made packets to put my pins and confetti into by cutting long rectangles out of brown wrapping paper, gluing three of the edges, writing 'Thanks for Coming!', filling them, and gluing or stapling them closed. I added a crepe-paper fringe to the tops of mine, but this is optional.


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