Friday, January 10, 2020

Christmas Room Tour, 2019

Hello, everyone! I'm so sorry I haven't posted in forever! I have a crazy, overwhelming amount to catch up on, but maybe this will be the year I can  become more consistent. Anyway, here is a brief Christmas bedroom tour from this past Christmas season. At the bottom I will include a tutorial for my bell banner, which is super easy to make. Even though the time is past, hopefully this will come in handy for the Christmas season of 2020.

Bell banner tutorial:

You will need:
-Bells (mine were a pack of regular sized bells from Dollar Tree)
-Brown acrylic paint
-A paintbrush
-A paper towel of some alternative
-A string

Step 1. Lay the bells out on something you can paint such as a paper plate. Use a medium-sized paint brush that is frayed, if possible, and dab brown paint. You can dab the paint over the whole bell or just in parts. I suggest leaving negative space for a rusty look. Then dab the wet paint with tissue or a napkin. The texture should look rough. Do one side, let them dry, then repeat the process for the other side of the bells.

Step 2. String the bells onto a long string and tie them on as you string them individually so that they don't slide around. That's all there is to it!

I was going for a modern-farmhouse mixed with modern-Scandinavian style, and since metallic and shimmering things seemed to be in style, I ended up incorporating some shiny sequins and a sparkly silver tree in my tree display as well as the gold bell banner. I made a dried orange banner that I was very excited about, but then I never actually strung it up and they rotted. The beautiful nativity string art was created by a friend and sold in support of my local HCT theater, and my little brother drew my wonderful Knee-Neep Christmas picture. I typed the typography print on Microsoft word and printed it on brown card-stock, then just drew the star. I saw that quote and design on a welcome mat online. Overall, I wanted a warm Christmas environment that was very natural and minimalist-looking with a calm sort of elegance. I hope you enjoyed the tour!

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