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Thursday, January 23, 2020

Jacob's 18th Musical-Themed Party, Part II

Hello everyone! Today I present part II of Jacob's musical-themed 18th birthday party, which uses the same decor but a different setup, slightly different favors, and shows the posters which I did not photograph at his first party. I made new mugs, but I did musical theater/movie puns I made up: "The Greatest Cocoa" instead of "The Greatest Show", "This Is Tea" instead of "This Is Me", and the bean/green song lyrics from Into the Woods with coffee beans, along with a silhouette (from The Wizard of Oz). The posters are minimalist, and I made up some while I found other ideas online. I will not tell what each symbol represents (I leave that to the viewer, so it's kind of a fun mystery to solve) but here's a hint: they are all from the same musicals as the playbills that comprise the banner. I think I pretty much covered the other details in my previous post, so I will leave the description at that. 

I hope that you enjoyed! Thanks for visiting!
