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Monday, November 2, 2015

DIY Wizard of Oz Backdrop

Yeah, you guessed it: the next party I'm doing is Wizard-of-Oz themed. Here is an easy tutorial on how to make this backdrop:

You will need:
-At least 2 green acrylic paints (I used 3 or 4)
-White acrylic paint
-Blue acrylic paint
-Red acrylic paint
-Yellow acrylic paint
-Paintbrushes (A really big one, tiny one, and medium-sized one would be great)
-A big piece of cardboard
-Water in a cup for rinsing the brushes in
-A napkin to dry the brushes with after rinsing them

1. Paint half of the cardboard blue, and the other half a light-to-medium green. I made the green take up slightly more than half of the cardboard because I made a slope to imitate a hill.

2. After this is dry, paint the emerald city by using dark green and creating brush strokes with a smaller brush, going up and down. Paint some little dome-shaped things at the bottom.

3. While this is drying, paint a yellow trail that starts big and gets smaller, showing the distance. I added some brown bricks that were just a little bit blended for bricks.

4.Now time for the dangerous poppy field: dab tons of red dots with a small brush.

5. While these were drying, I went back to the emerald city and rubbed some white paint in the center. I dabbed whited spots and brushed some crosses and x's to resemble sparkles. I also blended some white into the top of the little domes so they looked like they were shining in the sun. When all of this is complete, go back to the poppies and dab yellow dots for their centers.

In addition, I added two white clouds by brushing on some white paint, then dabbing it with a paper towel, but this is completely optional. And your Wizard of Oz backdrop is complete!