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Friday, October 30, 2015

Globe Makeover DIY

Here's a before-and-after globe makeover with a diy included. I found this tiny globe during the summer at a great thrift store that donated all of the money to an animal shelter, but unfortunately it closed. But back to the globe: I really loved the vintage-looking globe covered in the countries of the world, but since it didn't match my bedroom, it just sat closed up in a cabinet under my bed for months. So at last I resolved to paint it and make some use out of it.
 You will need:
-a globe
-acrylic paint
-paint brush (a big one is preferable)
-A sharpie pen

(My camera broke (again!), so I apologize for the grainy, badly-lit photography. I was borrowing someone else's camera, and it was nighttime. )

First, I painted the globe solid white. I also touched up on and painted the whole base black.

Next, I found a suitable quote.
And the last thing I did, of course, was write the quote in pretty fonts.

That was super easy, right? Enjoy the weekend!