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Saturday, September 19, 2015

Diy Sunburst Mirror

Paintsticks, a giant ruler, plastic spoons, cardboard, spray-paint, and mirror, of course... These materials are what I used to create the mirror above. Here's the diy: I hot glued the spoons,paintsticks, and giant ruler (cut into smaller pieces) to the back of the mirror, but everything kept falling of, so I had to use super glue. I taped a circle of paper onto the mirror so it wouldn't get painted black, and spray-painted it all. Then I covered the back of the mirror by glueing cardboard to it. I hot-glued a little rope to the back to hang it by. I'm afraid I didn't take pictures in the process of making it, so this isn't a very detailed tutorial, but you get the idea. I hope you get inspired! Have a great weekend!