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Monday, September 14, 2015

DIY Minion Gift Bags

 I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in around two weeks! I couldn't seem to come up with anything and the things I did need to post I just never made time for. For my brother's birthday, I made Minion gift bags, and here's the diy.

I first found the idea for minion gift bags here, but I in the end, I made my own. I'm afraid I didn't take pictures during the process of making it, so I'm just going to have to explain how to do it. It's pretty simple.
You will need:
-A yellow bag
-Two recycled soda cans
-Black construction paper
-A pen
-Two eyes (I drew mine, but you could probably print some out or something)
-Yellow construction paper

First, cut a long, narrow (but not too narrow) strip of construction black construction paper. Glue or tape this a little above the center of the bag, where you want the eyes. Next, Cut the bottoms off two clean, recycled soda cans. Glue these on the black strip, touching each other. Now glue an eye on each soda can bottom. By the way, when I say 'glue', I mean hot glue, not Elmer's glue. You can glue yellow construction paper eyelids below or above the eyes (optional). Use the picure below for reference. The final step is to draw the mouth with a pen or marker. You're done! Enjoy!