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Saturday, February 13, 2016

Space Valentines Tutorial

Inspired by these valentines, I decided to do some space valentines. I made a free printable and tutorial:

You will need:
-black, blue and purple acrylic paint
-a paint brush
-a hot glue gun with hot glue sticks
-a stapler
-ink and a printer

First paint all of your cardboard black, and add in blue and purple. Mix the colors up some and sprinkle glitter on the wet paint. (I used hairspray thinking it might help the glitter stick.)

Now take a piece of plastic, fold it in half, glue all but one open side and place the ball in it.

Cut out your cardboard in squares and fold them in half.

Place the folded cardboard over the plastic bag and staple it on.

Trim off access cardboard that may be showing.

Now print out the printable I made and cut out the words. I tried to turn it into a pdf file but it didn't work, so print it out like a photo (right click, press 'save image as...', save it, then go to the place you saved it to, right click, and print).

Glue them on with a hot glue gun and sign your name on the back with paint or something.

Your Valentines are complete!