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Thursday, August 4, 2022

Color Theory Sketch/Warm Up Activity

Good morning! Today I would like to share a fun, fascinating color theory activity I used as a way to get my students thinking about color meanings and connotations. What do you associate with specific colors? How can we communicate through visuals more clearly by understanding connotations and associations colors have and how they can impact our choices? For example, many healthy food packages use green because green can be associated with nature. This assignment was a warm up although it could have been a project in itself where I demonstrated how to fold the papers into eight squares and had the students sketch an image of something they associate with each main color in each square (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, black, and white). We discussed similarities and differences in what each student thought of for each color. I wrote down lists on the board as we brainstormed prior to the sketches. I hope this prompt idea is helpful for anyone teaching or learning about color theory! 
