Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Easy, Last-Minute, DIY Custom Superhero Costume

 Good evening! Here's a super quick and easy project you may find useful this holiday season, especially if you find yourself in a time crunch and know a small superhero who'd love a special, personalized superhero costume. Mine used red and yellow with lightning strikes because my friend Morgan loved the Flash and Lightning McQueen, though of course I put his initial instead. Here is a basic outline on how to create your own.

You will need:

-Fabric (my red fabric was from the Walmart $2 section and was so great, I did not even need to hem the bottom after cutting it. I used a couple sheets of felt for the other colors/parts.)

-Hot Glue and a Hot Glue Gun


I cut a scalloped edge on the bottom of my rectangular cape with basic scissors. I sewed the top side to a long strip of yellow felt (also a rectangle with curved sides where I planned them to buckle under the chin). I hot-glued on Velcro to the ends of the yellow felt. I cut a gray circle and yellow 'M' out for my logo and hot-glued those to the cape. I cut out my mask shape, rectangle strips and lighting strikes, hot-glued them all together, and glued Velcro to the ends of the rectangle strips for my mask. 

That's all there is to it! I hope somebody finds this useful as a fun, personal gift idea! 


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