Saturday, December 5, 2020

"Puppies & Pies" Adult Birthday Party Theme

 Hello everyone, I am sorry I took such a long break. I've had so, so much I've been waiting to share but not enough spare time and energy. My courses just ended Thursday night for the most part, although I still have plenty of homework for Christmas 'break'. That said, I hope to catch up on as many gift tutorials, events and other post content I planned as I can. Today I'd like to share a few photos from a "Puppies & Pies"-Themed birthday party I did at home for my dad in November. I came up with this theme because I was thinking about what he likes, and he likes dogs as well as pies, and as you all probably know, I am obsessed with alliteration. This party was at a busy time (but aren't they all?) so it was last minute. I made the banner by printing out pie and dog illustrations from Google, cutting them out as well as black circles from construction paper, and hot gluing them together and onto string. I welded the dog at my sculpture studio, although it was not nearly done at that point (I actually made it into a caddy for his Christmas gift, which I may share in a later post). I happened to have balloon dog supplies, so my brother and I twisted those together and taped them up, plus he lent me a perfect balloon dog ornament decoration. The poster was drawn/written on with a Sharpie. I hope this gives you some ideas for the dog-lovers in your life!

Thank you for stopping by! Coming up soon: a Harry Potter mashed with instruments/music birthday party I call the "Magical Music" party and favor tutorials. 


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