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Thursday, May 21, 2020

Star Wars Gift in a Bag (DIY) Gift

Hi everyone! Today I'd like to share a quick gift tutorial from this past Easter that I made for my brother: a Star Wars 'Gift in a Bag'. Usually you see 'gift in a box', 'gift in a jar' and such, but I was in a situation where I had to use what I had, and I didn't have jars, baskets, or good boxes, but I had paper bags. This can, of course, be adapted into a jar gift, gift box or gift basket. Although this was made for Easter, this would make a great birthday gift, and could even be turned into a Christmas 'Star Wars in a Stocking' gift. This is super easy to out together. I literally ended up creating all of my gifts on Easter morning, using what I had. 
Basically, to create this you need a collection of Star Wars items you know the recipient will enjoy. These could be bought or handmade. If you have Easter eggs, you can put items inside them and create character faces with them. I made Yoda, C3PO, and Darth Vader. I hot-glued tissue paper on my eggs, added cardboard for the ears on Yoda and a cardboard helmet piece on Darth Vader with hot-glue, and painted them with layers of acrylic paint. I also used markers on top of the paint when it dried for details I think (I may have also painted those, though, I really don't remember), and used a metallic silver on Darth Vader. What you include in your gift depends, but if you are making the gift for somebody who enjoys art, you could include art supplies. I filled the eggs with homemade clay, and the sack in the photos below held acrylic paint tubes. I hand-painted a baby Yoda tee-shirt as well, but if you make this gift for somebody older clothes can be tricky and I tend to avoid clothing gifts. I actually don't know if the shirt would fit in a paper bag, although I think it would, because mine was still drying when I presented it. Like I said, it was very last minute. I would have liked to include more, but I was using what I had and didn't order online in advance. Some ideas might be Star Wars books (stories, parodies, puzzles, tutorial books and so on), accessories or socks, candy molds that you could use to make either treats or crayons with, notebooks, cooking gadgets, and countless other items. When you have all of your items, the last step is to create a label by printing out the Star Wars logo (which is easy to find on Google), glue it on a folded or cutout piece of card-stock with hot glue or a glue-stick, and write "Gift in a ____" ("Gift in a Bag" in my case), and attach the label on (I stapled mine onto the bag, but in a gift basket it would be tucked in, and in a jar it would be tied around the jar or glued onto the lid). That's all there is to it! If you create a similar gift, I encourage you to get creative and turn things you know that the recipient would love into Star-Wars-themed items. Remember, make everything cohesive and stick to a simple color palette.

I hope you enjoyed! I am not sure when I will be able to post in the coming few weeks due to my school workload, but I hope to continue posting weekly. I can't guarantee that, though. Thank you for visiting!
