Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Easy DIY Girls Toad Costume

Hello! Today I'm sharing a super easy tutorial for a Mario Toad costume for girls. My cousin loved Toad, and insisted she'd rather be Toad than Toadette, so I made her this costume for her birthday.

For this costume, you will need:
-A big plastic bowl
-Red fabric
-White fabric (although paper could work)
-Blue fabric or a blue vest
-Gold acrylic paint
-A white dress
-Red ribbon
-Stretchy string
-Hot glue gun and hot glue sticks

Step 1.

Place the bowl upright on the fabric. Wrap the fabric and hot-glue it inside of the bowl. Cut the white paper or fabric into circles. Glue them on top of the hat (the bowl flipped upside-down). Her hat kept falling, so I suggest that you hot-glue string to go under your or your recipient's chin.

Step 2.

Cut a vest out of the blue fabric if you do not already have a vest. I actually painted black and white fabric blue because it was last-minute, but the acrylic paint made it stiff. Paint the edges with the gold paint.

Step 3.

Sew a white dress if you don't already have a white dress. i made mine from a skirt (I think I just added sleeves or red-ribbon straps. Once the dress is on, tie the red ribbon around it like a belt.

You're done!

This costume should be very inexpensive. I used what I had on hand mostly, so it costed me a dollar. I hope the directions were easy to follow. Thanks for visiting! I have more tutorials on the way!

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