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Thursday, July 20, 2017

Riley's Modern Rustic Frozen 4th Birthday Party

Hello, everybody! It's been such a long time since I could find time to post. I have a Father's Day party, fiesta birthday party, and other events to catch up on. First, though, I wanted to share my cousin's modern rustic Frozen birthday party. She recently turned four! It seems like only a month before I was celebrating her modern Minnie Mouse third birthday. She's growing up so fast! She loves Elsa, so for her birthday, I made her an Elsa dress. I apologize in advance for the blurry and grainy images; the lighting was dim. Scroll to the bottom of this post for all of the party details.

The favors were Troll kits (which I invented and will share a tutorial for), and brown packages that included 'Melted Snowman' (bubbles, another idea of mine which I will post a tutorial for), confetti, Frozen stickers, and hair ties. The color scheme, as you can see below, was white, gold, and brown. I deliberately avoided blue so as to create a simple, clean, minimalist party unique from other Frozen parties. I got most of my inspiration from this Bambi party and this Cinderella party. The canopy was made with my bedroom curtains and a wreath. I hand-wrote the calligraphic poster. I drew on the plates with a Sharpie and baked them, drawing deer to represent Sven. I didn't get a photo of the cake because my camera was nearly out of battery and I wanted to reserve it for the birthday girl.  I intended for it to be much bigger, but as usual, I found myself throwing it together the day before and the day of. I think my cousin enjoyed it, though, and that's what counts!

Hopefully I can share some more events and tutorials with you all soon!
