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Thursday, September 15, 2016

Handmade Classic White Rabbit Costume

Hey everyone! I haven't posted in a long time because I was working on my business website. It is finally finished! It's an art and photography business (although I may add parties too, someday) called The Lauryn Studio. If you're interested, you can visit it at: I never posted Will's Lego Dimensions party because it was so small, it didn't seem worth posting. Because October is quickly approaching, today I wanted to share my brother's White Rabbit costume, inspired by Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. My brothers and I dressed as the White Rabbit, Alice and the Mad Hatter for a costume party. I will explain how I made it, but I'm afraid I don't have any step-by-step photos. The left side of the collage below is an illustration by John Tenniel that inspired this costume. Below are the instructions.

For the card part, I used white poster board which can be found at Walmart or Dollar Tree. I painted a heart on it with acrylic paint. For the pocket watch, I cut out the main shape from cardboard, and then cut the chain link shapes separately. I cut the chain links, attached them with hot glue, and glued them onto the clock, I painted the clock and chain with metallic gold and white acrylic paints. When they dried, I painted the hands and numbers with black acrylic paint. The neck ruffle is difficult to explain. I folded the fabric into many ruffles, sewed some thread through in a straight line, and added a necklace clip to the ends of the thread so he could clip it on like a necklace. There are quite a few tutorials online if that part doesn't make sense. For the ears, I used a pair he had from Dollar Tree, hot-glued felt in the centers, and rubbed in a drop of pink acrylic paint with a paint brush. I hope this tutorial can be understood without instructional pictures. Enjoy wearing your cool costume!