Tuesday, August 18, 2015

DIY Ocean Party Backdrop

For an ocean-themed party I did (and will do a post on this week or next), I made a backdrop. I photographed the whole process as I went. It was going to be ombre, but I decided to do a seaside scenery. You will need:
- A big piece of cardboard (try to find one that's smooth)
- Lots of paint (I used around 4 different blues, white, black, orange, and you may want yellow or red for the sun).
- A small paint brush, a sponge brush, and another small or medium paint brush.
(The picture below unfortunately doesn't show everything you'll need).

Set you're cardboard on something like a table. I used a stool. You will probably want to put something down or paint outside (which I didn't do).

Squirt some of your darkest blue on the bottom of the cardboard.

Use the sponge brush to spread it and cover the bottom.

Squirt the second darkest blue above the first layer. Again, spread it to make another line of blue. Blend them a little in between.

Keep going till you only have your lightest blue left, and be sure to leave space for the sky.

Add some quick white streaks all over for waves.

Now paint the sky light blue.

I added some bird silhouttes. I was a little dissapointed with them and I think I over-did them, but you can paint your own using a small paint brush.

Now add a white circle. This is going to be the sun.

Add some white streaks and a white ring like in the picture below to show it's glare.

 Then add a yellow or orange outline to the circle. I added a bit of red, too. I would have preferred yellow, but I was out, so orange it was.

Squirt a little white by the sun.

 Dabbing and slightly brushing with your sponge brush, turn it into two drifting clouds.

Do some streaks at the bottom going upwards for the foamy waves crashing against shore.

All done!

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